Sunday, 2 October 2011

World Wide Photo Walk Peterborough Cathedral

What a grand way to spend an afternoon! And what weather! Couldnt have ordered better!

A good way to meet people with a similar interest but each of us very different. There were just shy of a dozen of us and we set off on our very relaxed journey around the Cathedral just after the agreed 1pm meet time. There was plenty of time to take photographs, chat, enjoy the weather and surroundings. Our walk leader, @TipSquirrel made sure everyone was ok & that no one got left behind when we moved between areas, pretty much the perfect host I guess :) Oh & he did manage to take some photographs of his own I believe. By the time we got back to the starting point, a cup of tea and a slice of yummy cake were much needed and appreciated, thanks to "Coffee & Cookies".

I had never been on anything like this before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.. think there may even be a few half decent photographs too.

I know the heat and concentration certainly tired me out but Id recommend anyone who might be interested to just get brave & give it a try.
Life is for living after all :)

Many thanks to my fellow photowalkers for their company & making it a fun afternoon & special thanks to @TipSquirrel for leading us on our merry way :-)

Ooops a long pause then....

Just looked at my blog and realise its nearly 4months since I posted anything here..though in my defence work has been pretty manic. Long days and when I get free time Im trying to make the most of that as well.
Plans to improve my working hours are coming slowly to fruition so that I hope to be one job less by about Christmas time. In the meantime, Im looking to get one sculpture made up , hoping to find time to make at least 2 rag dolls and of course Im off out with the camera at most available free moments which will lead me on to my next post....